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The Girl with the Silver Bag

종이책 정가
전자책 정가


Rahee Park(박라희)
Rahee Park (age 9) was born in March, 2012 in Seoul, Korea.
- Murray Manor Elementary School San Diego, CA (Grade 1)
- Torrey Pines Elementary School San Diego, CA (Grade 2)
- Seonyoo Elementary School Seoul Korea (Grade 3) 현) 서울 선유초등학교 3학년 재학중

I thought carefully about what to put in my bag for my journey ahead, finally deciding on two walkie-talkies, snacks, duct tape, a climbing rope, a compass, my ipad, notebook paper, and three bottles of water (you never know when you might be in a dire situation). I sneaked out of the house while my parents were sleeping, and ran as fast as I could through the passageway to the forest. In the middle of the road, I stopped and looked around. I always forgot where north was. I took out my compass, and stared at it for a minute and remembered, the clubhouse was west! After turning around, I ran straight into a tree.


Darkness awaited from the unwelcoming door. It's just like from the beginning, starting from the darkness. Then, in a millisecond, the universe grabbed us both into their darkest black hole. “ALARA!” I cried, floating around in darkness. I’m probably in a dream, I thought, pinching and rubbing my eyes. Her voice called out towards me. I swam among the stars, looking for a kind of wall separating us. I carefully touched each star, feeling its heat and warmth.

I’d always enjoyed little yet unremarkable adventures with my friend, like swinging on branches of tall trees, but going through a door, into another world, and battling an evil turtle. No way! Believe it or not, that’s what we encountered. What really enlivened the adventure was the pronouncement that my best friend and I had become the rulers of the land and our discovery that you should never leave the meaning of home. Journey along with us as you read on, my friend!


Chapter One The Tree

Chapter Two Mirthland

Chapter Three Passages

Chapter Four Fairy Wishes

Chapter Five Secret Pets

Chapter Six Makeovers

Chapter Seven Animal Court

Chapter Eight Crowning

Chapter Nine Where are you?

Chapter Ten The Lost Palace

Chapter Eleven It’s Time


Chapter Twelve Turtle

Chapter Thirteen Apple Wishes

Chapter Fourteen Wishing

Chapter Fifteen Our New Home

Chapter Sixteen Everything that happened

Chapter Seventeen Alara

Chapter Eighteen A Way Back Home

Chapter Nineteen Gardens


The End




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